Boxer Below

imagesLong before I knew I would be in The Clean Fight, I booked a trip to head back to Cozumel for a week under water.  I LOVE diving.  Under water is truly a magical place.  Peaceful, beautiful, strange and relaxing –  very relaxing.  I didn’t anticipate missing a week of training with a month left before the fight so I’m a little worried.

I figured I could set aside some time to train before or after diving but due to nitrogen absorption from breathing compressed air my strenuous training had to be limited. No burpees or skipping for me.  So I was left with trying to heal my sore ankle and get some rest before the final push to November 28th.  I managed to squeeze some swimming and push-ups in but truthfully I was exhausted after a couple morning dives. It may not seem like work but chasing after these beauties can be a bit of a work-out.

It was an amazing adventure but now it is time to get back to boxing. I hope I haven’t lost too much ground.

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